The “Amazing Spider-Man #61” is a highly sought-after comic from the Silver Age, released in 1968. This rare issue features Spider-Man in a thrilling battle against the Shocker and captures the iconic art and storytelling of the era. With its vibrant cover and classic storyline, it’s a must-have for collectors and fans of the web-slinging superhero. Owning this comic is like holding a piece of comic book history, showcasing the enduring legacy of Spider-Man.
- This comic has the first appearance of Gwen Stacy
- Comic is in perfect condition according to its age.
- Its a collectable comic which is really rare to find in the market in good condition.
- Delivery will be made in 3 business days after the purchase to keep comic in perfect condition at all time.
- Contact us at for further info or customer can purchase directly.
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